Diana Sirko, PhD, is in her 43rd year as a Colorado educator, 她在pp电子极速糖果教授研究生校长和教师领导课程, 协调教育领导课程,教授本科生数学方法课程,为学生数学教学做准备. Before coming to CMU, 西尔科曾担任科罗拉多州教育部副教育专员,负责监督与课程有关的所有主题, assessment and instruction at the state level, including the implementation of Colorado Academic Standards, the Educator Effectiveness legislation, statewide accountability systems, statewide assessments and educator licensure. She was a superintendent of schools in Colorado for 12 years, deputy and assistant superintendent for curriculum, assessment and instruction for 7 years, principal for 6 years, 专业发展主管2年,教数学和科学13年. Her experience includes working in urban, suburban and rural school districts, from 1,600 to 32,000 students.
Before being employed by CMU in her current position, 自1988年以来,Sirko也是科罗拉多大学斯普林斯分校的兼职兼职教授, University of Denver, University of Northern Colorado, Adams State University, 在凤凰城大学和cmu的前三年,每年教一到两个班. Sirko相信,通过积极地让学生参与到学习过程中,并在每个课堂上促进教师谈话和学生讨论和演讲之间的健康平衡,学生的参与是非常重要的.
Sirko loves to read educational and leadership research, play golf, ski and watch high school, college and pro football.